

Cyanoacrylate glue--sometimes known as super glue or CA glue--is a lightweight, strong, fast curing adhesive that works best on porous materials like wood and cardboard. It comes in a variety of consistencies, depending on how runny you need it an whether or not you need to fill gaps. Because it can make a mess on your model and on your table--and even stick your fingers together--be sure to have some cyanoacrylate debonder on hand to free yourself.  And conversely, you can use cyanoacrylate accelerator to stop CA glue from running and cure almost instantly.

  • PocketCA is Bob Smith Industries CA Glue in a screw-top bottle suitable for use in the field.

    Pocket CA Screw-top Cyanoacrylate Glue

    Bob Smith Industries

    Pocket CA is intended for mobile use--in a field box or other places a bottle may leak. These bottles feature a screw-top lid with a pin that plugs the bottle to help prevent clogging the nozzle or leaking. The screw top cap and pin make the nozzle tip...